Shari Peyerl and her family bought land in Bergen two years ago and they love the community. Shari is passionate about history and will be offering A Vintage Christmas at the Christmas Market: a selection of crafts with an historic twist. Look for Handy Little Angels, Scentimental Sachets, Pretty Painted Plant Pots, and Grinchy Trees.
Don’t forget…we’re offering a great selection of Christmas arts and crafts, food and entertainment. Bring your friends and family!
Saturday, November 24, 10:00am-4:00pm at the Bergen Hall
Download our emailable poster to share with those on your contact list who might like to see it. We appreciate you helping to spread the word!
Shari, those are lovely! Wish I could be there to see them in person. Perhaps we’ll see you selling some of your work at the Bergen Market next summer?