Here’s what you’ll find at the first Bergen Market of the season —
lots of fresh baking (love those cinnamon buns!)
local butter, yogurt and cheese
geeting cards, and printing demonstrations
spinach, lettuce, green onions, mixed greens with herbs
fresh green basil
frozen or smoked Bergen Traditional beef
a new book from local author Marilyn Halvorson…published and printed by Bergen Fine Print
handmade soap
— and some of the friendliest faces you’ll see all week!
Sorry I’m going to miss the first week … sounds like it’s gonna be a great opening. Congrats to Marilyn on her new book and to Jamie as publisher. Yahoo!
we’d love to buy marilyn’s new book! How can we order a copy?
Available soon at Bergen Fine Print!
Now on sale online at
Congratulations Marilyn on your new book!!
I’ll be at your Farmers Market.